She was alerted to a potential problem by the people who bought the couple's house 18 months ago. Jenny Francis is at the start of her fight to reclaim her and her husband's identity. They each have said they have been prevented from changing their driver's licence number, an option that is readily available in every state and territory, except New South Wales. The ABC has spoken to three people who have told harrowing stories of identity theft with one common denominator. The RMS said a licence number could not simply be changed upon request, but that it was able to grant a new licence number to a customer if there was evidence the customer's licence number has been compromised.In spite of this, the victims, based in NSW, report that the RMS has not allowed them to change their licence numbers.Driver's licence numbers have been reported as the common denominator in multiple cases of identity theft.What can you do to fight off fraudsters when your identity is under attack? Key points: